I merely posted in response to Fran's obvious attempt to start another pissin' contest. Hence my reference to being a "Dumb-assed thread." I've always considered the Yamaha onboard vocal harmonizer as marginal at best, thus my exclusive use of stand-alone vocal processors.
There have been a few individuals that have been able to obtain outstanding results using Yamaha's onboard vocal processor, though. Dan, on the PSR Tutorial, posted some songs that were incredible. And, he also posted all the information on how he obtained those results, which I consider very important. After retuning my onboard vocal processor to the settings he posted, my results were comparable to his, but you still had to work around the delay, which with many songs was a problem. You will find this information
HERE It would really be nice to see information such as the Vocal Primer that Dan posted on the PSR-Tutorial being posted here again. That's what drew many of us to this site many years ago. Instead, all I see is one pissin' contest after another, which I consider childish at best.
The thread often begins as an informational post about a new piece of gear. From that point on a handful of individuals that have never seen, touched, played, smelled or heard the equipment begin dissing every aspect to the point where it becomes obnoxious. Additionally, those doing most of the dissing have no intent of purchasing the equipment, let alone traveling to a location where it's on display and try it out first hand.
Dumb-assed threads seem to running rampant on the Synthzone lately--Fran's post is just another, glaring example. Kinda' like a couple kids writing their names in the snow.
